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Writer's pictureDeanna

How to Getaway When You Can't Getaway

Updated: Nov 18, 2019


I absolutely love being a travel planner. They say something like, if you can do something you love you’re not really working.  While I may not know that quote word for word, I can say without a doubt that it is very true. Planning vacations makes me very happy. I find myself smiling while putting together packages for others. Even better, happy clients make me even happier.

Every once in a while though, I find a client that I can’t help.  Their dream vacation is out of their price range, their travel companion is unable to make it, or even the cruise they were set on is now sold out.  Those days can be rough because I think all hard-working adults deserve a vacation.  

For clients and readers, if you find that your dream vacation is temporarily out of reach, I want to assure you that all is not lost.  There are many other ways to get away and recharge.  

  • Take a road trip. Road trips are a great way to get away from it all. Most people have a beach within a 3-4-hour drive.  Pack up your bikini and sunscreen and go to the beach. I don’t know about you, but everything seems better at the beach. Sure, you may not be in Jamaica, but you also won’t be enduring the stress of your office.  

  • Rent a hotel room.  You have many options here. Stay in your city or pick a random city nearby.  It really doesn’t matter where. Rent a room and stay the weekend. Grab your favorite book or movie and order some room service.  Or explore the downtown night life. You’d be surprised, just being away from your own home can make all the difference. 

  • Just get out.  For me I love to find walking or hiking trails in my home state of North Carolina.  I get to take in new scenery. I get to work out. And my reward at the end is the feeling of finishing, and a breath-taking view of nature that brings me a peace that I can’t describe.  I challenge you to find a hiking trail or walking trail in your home state and try it just once.   

Things out of our control happen all the time. Sometimes those things stall our vacation plans.  Just know that it is ok. The Caribbean or your cruise may have to wait, but you can still getaway and recharge.  There really is beauty all around you.


1 Comment

Kyla Curtis
Kyla Curtis
Aug 17, 2021

Hi thankss for posting this

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